How to Display Sharing Folder List in Linux using smbclient

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This is an article which is used to show how to display sharing folder definition in the form of the list which is done in the Linux operating system specifically in Ubuntu Linux Distribution. But for most of the Linux operating system, the command for displaying list of sharing folder is actually the same and it will works like a charm. The command for achieve the purpose is shown as follows :

smbclient -L //IP_Address_Of_The_Server_Where_The_Sharing_Folder_Exist -Uusername

Description : 
smblient : The command is actually refer as the samba client where based on the Linux manual page it is an ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers.
-L : It is an option of smbclient command which is actually an option for displaying the available samba sharing folder service definition in the form of list. The option '-L' itself can actually assumed as the abbreviation of another form of option which can be used where it is the option '--list'.  
//IP_Address_Of_The_Server_Where_The_Sharing_Folder_Exist : It is clear and stated that it is pointing out the IP Addres of the Server
-U : It is an option of smbclient command which is used to define username used for accessing the sharing folder service definition located in the server specified in the IP Address given in the previous parameter.
username : It is the value of the smbclient parameter command, it is the username used for accessing the sharing folder service definition.

For an instance or as an example, below is the execution of the above command :

[user@hostname ~]$ smbclient -L // -Ubackup
Enter backup's password:
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.1.20]

Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
IPC$ IPC IPC Service ()
Oscar Disk
Mike  Disk
Manny Disk
Ike   Disk My Personal Folder
Movie Disk
Apps  Disk
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.1.20]

Server Comment
--------- -------

Workgroup  Master
--------- -------
[user@host ~]$ 

The above is pretty much the output generated after executing the command specified above. The command try to display any sharing folder service definition located in a machine which has an IP Address of ‘’ using a username of ‘backup’.  Depends on the sharing folder service definition on the server specified, the output will also be different.

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