How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows

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This article is focusing on how to solve an error message appear. It appear upon executing Docker Desktop in Microsoft Windows. The following is the appearance of the Docker Desktop error message :

Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

In the above image, actually it exist in another article from the stackoverflow. It exist in this link where the main subject is ‘Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows’.The following is the image containing the error message :

How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows
How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows

Actually, the appearance is not too similar with the above display. Although the message in the error message dialog box is the same. The error message is ‘

Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

‘. It depends on the version of the Docker Desktop. In this case, it is using Docker Desktop 4.2.


So, the following is the actual link to the solution of this problem. It is an article in one of the stackoverflow page in this link. There are several advices on solving the problem :

  1. Restart the Windows operating system.

  2. Uninstall the current Docker Desktop and reinstall it once more.

  3. Delete all of the content exist in the following folders :

    • C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Docker
    • C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Docker
    • C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Docker Desktop

    The above path is in ‘C:\Users\Administrator’ because Docker Desktop installation is using Admnistrator user account. Just change the path using the suitable user path accordingly.

  4. After successfully delete all the contents in that folder, apparently, the following image of window display of Docker Desktop User Agreement appear :

    Just check the checkbox with the label of ‘I accept the terms’. After that, the button with the label of ‘Accept’ will be visible. Just click that visible button to go further to accept ‘Service Agreement’.

  5. Finally, after proceeding the above steps, the Docker Desktop fortunately is running normally.

2 thoughts on “How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows

    1. As shown in the article, just remove all Docker folder mentioned. It will reset the Docker Desktop itself. So, when running the Docker Desktop again after removing the Docker folder mentioned, it will ask for a Docker Service Agreement for approval. Upon choosing the ‘Accept’ option by clicking the button, it will reset all the Docker configuration in order to run the Docker Desktop normally once more.

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